Feb 12, 2020
Troop Equipment Equipment is a big part of the Scouting program and is often the subject of many questions by the parents and Scouts. “What do we need?”, “What type do we need?”, How good does it need to be? These are the type of questions the...
Feb 12, 2020
Discipline & Behavior The Scouting program is not designed to solve youth discipline problems — on the contrary it’s designed to build into youth the necessary character and responsibility to prevent discipline problems. The program needs all of the time...
Feb 12, 2020
Health & Safety Checkups & Annual Health Forms Official BSA Health forms are required for all youth and adults and must be renewed yearly. The date of the form must be after the last day of the event. Youth may be sent home if a health form is incomplete,...
Feb 9, 2020
Driving, Transporting Scouts and / or Gear Drivers are expected to follow all traffic rules and all policies of the Boy Scouts of America and policies set forth in the Guide to Safe Scouting and Youth Protection Policies. It is important to understand that, if there...
Feb 9, 2020
Code of Conduct Boy Scouts of AmericaScouter Code of Conduct On my honor, I promise to do my best to comply with this Boy Scouts of America Scouter Code of Conduct while serving in my capacity as an adult leader: I have completed or will complete my registration with...
Jan 26, 2020
Dues & Fees As of 2020, Scout BSA Registration Fee is $60 per year for youth, $36 for afults Dues are $26.00 per year. Dues cover expenses such as merit badges and merit badge supplies. Funds raised in fundraisers can be used to pay for camping fees, buying...