Joining Requirements
Boys and Girls in grades K-5
Visit our cub scout pack MOST Tuesdays 6:30pm (Aug – May), Neil A Armstrong Elementary, 22100 Breezeswept Ave.
To join, click here.
Boys in grades 6-12, or over 10 1/2 years old
Visit our troop Mondays, 7pm (Aug- May) at Temple Shalom, 23190 Utica Ave.
To join, click here.
Girls in grades 6-12, or 10 1/2 years old
Find a troop near you at or contact us to discuss establishing a unit near you.

Many Hands Make Light Work
While Scouts BSA troops are “youth led” there are a lot of tasks that need to be performed by adults: planning, organization, logistics, recording advancement, teaching, etc. Please review the “For Adults” section of our website to find out how you can help.
There are a few requirements to be an adult member:
- Attend a few meetings. Our troop is committed to youth safety, and we require your participation at a few troop meetings before we will accept your application for membership
- Complete the application
- Agree to the background check
- Pay the application fee
For your convenience, you can apply online. Once you have applied online, be sure to let the Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Representative know. We will review your application.
Contact one of our great leaders!