Jan 26, 2020
Membership Coordinator Duties of the Membership Coordinator: Develop a plan for year-round membership flow into the troop (plan activities to recruit from Cub Scout packs) Work closely with the Cubmaster and Webelos den leader of neighboring Cub Scout packs to provide...
Jan 26, 2020
Equipment Coordinator / Quartermaster Duties of the Equipment Coordinator / Quartermaster: Supervise and help the troop procure camping Work with the quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment Make periodic safety checks on...
Jan 26, 2020
Training Coordinator Duties of the Training Coordinator Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training (refer to the council’s calendar) Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials, videos, and other training resources...
Jan 26, 2020
Advancement Coordinator Duties of the Advancement Coordinator: Encourage Scouts to advance in rank Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records (using Scoutbook, requires assistance of a Key 3) Arrange monthly troop boards of review (third...
Jan 26, 2020
Outdoor & Activities Coordinator Duties of the Activities Coordinator: Help in securing permission to use camping sites Serve as transportation coordinatorMake sure we have enough drivers & seats to get youth too & from campMake sure driving distance,...
Jan 26, 2020
Treasurer Duties of the Youth Protection Treasurer Handle all troop Paybills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. Maintain checking and savings accounts Train and supervise the troop scribe in record keeping Keep adequate...