Boy Scouts of America
Scouter Code of Conduct
On my honor, I promise to do my best to comply with this Boy Scouts of America Scouter Code of Conduct while serving in my capacity as an adult leader:
- I have completed or will complete my registration with the Boy Scouts of America, answering all questions truthfully and
- I will do my best to live up to the Scout Oath and Scout Law, obey all laws, and hold others in Scouting
accountable to those standards. I will exercise sound judgment and demonstrate good leadership and use the Scouting program for its intended purpose consistent with the mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
- I will make the protection of youth a personal I will complete and remain current with Youth Protection training requirements. I will be familiar with and follow:
- BSA Youth Protection policies and guidelines, including mandatory reporting:
- The Guide to Safe Scouting:
- The Sweet Sixteen of BSA Safety:
- When transporting youth, I will obey all laws, comply with Youth Protection guidelines, and follow safe driving
- I will respect and abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, BSA policies, and BSA-provided training, including but not limited to those relating to:
- Unauthorized fundraising activities
- Advocacy on social and political issues, including prohibited use of the BSA uniform and brand
- Bullying, hazing, harassment, and unlawful discrimination of any kind
- I will not discuss or engage in any form of sexual conduct while engaged in Scouting I will refer youth with questions regarding these topics to talk to their parents or spiritual advisor.
- I confirm that I have fully disclosed and will disclose in the future any of the following:
- Any criminal suspicion, charges, or convictions of a crime or offense involving abuse, violence, sexual misconduct, or any misconduct involving minors or juveniles
- Any investigation or court order involving domestic violence, child abuse, or similar matter
- Any criminal charges or convictions for offenses involving controlled substances, driving while intoxicated, firearms, or dangerous weapons
- I will not possess, distribute, transport, consume, or use any of the following items prohibited by law or in violation of any Scouting rules, regulations, and policies:
- Alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, including marijuana
- Concealed or unconcealed firearms, fireworks, or explosives
- Pornography or materials containing words or images inconsistent with Scouting values
- If I am taking prescription medications with the potential of impairing my functioning or judgment, I will not engage in activities that would put youth at risk, including driving or operating
- I will take steps to prevent or report any violation of this code of conduct by others in connection with Scouting
I, _____________________________________, a registered youth or adult member of Troop 95 and we, _________________________, the parent or guardian of the youth member, agree to follow the rules of Troop 95 at meetings and activities:
- I will demonstrate good Scout spirit, and follow the Ideals of Scouting: the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan and the Outdoor Code.
- I will follow the directions of my Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader and adult leaders promptly and respectfully.
- I will always treat all Troop members and their property with respect.
- I will not initiate or participate in any bullying, hazing or unofficial initiation activities.
- I will not say disparaging things about other Troop members.
- I will not use profanity in the company of other members of the Troop.
- I will not disturb other members of the Troop when they do not wish to be disturbed.
- I will respect Troop equipment.
- I will not use electronic equipment at a Troop event unless a Troop leader gives me permission.
- An individual’s behavior or inability to cooperate with others in the unit that impacts the overall successful operation of the unit may constitute reason for temporary suspension and/or removal from the unit for a parent, leader or youth.
When I disregard the rules, I understand that the Troop Leaders will apply the following consequences:
- I will be given a verbal warning:
- First by my Patrol Leader;
- Second by the Senior Patrol Leader; and
- Third by the Scout master.
- If I ignore the verbal warnings and continue to disregard the rules, I will be required to leave the activity or meeting.
- If I continue to disregard the rules or do not leave the activity or meeting, I understand that my parents will be called to take me home regardless of the location of the activity or meeting.
- I understand that my actions may result in the Troop leaders deciding that I may not be allowed to attend other activities or meetings for a period of time and that I may be required to do assignments that discuss my role in the Troop.
- I also understand that my continued failure to follow Troop rules or the Ideals of Scouting may result in more severe consequences, including suspension from the troop.
- I understand that if I damage, destroy or lose another Troop member’s property, regardless of the reason, I will replace or repair the damaged, destroyed or lost equipment at my own cost. I understand that if I damage, destroy or lose the Troop’s property through neglect or deliberate act, I will replace or repair the damaged, destroyed or lost equipment at my own cost.
I have read and understand the rules and consequences and agree to follow the rules of the Troop.
Scout Signature & Date
Parent/Guardian Signature & Date
Scoutmaster Signature & Date
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