Dues & Fees
  • As of 2020, Scout BSA Registration Fee is $60 per year for youth, $36 for afults
  • Dues are $26.00 per year. Dues cover expenses such as merit badges and merit badge supplies.
  • Funds raised in fundraisers can be used to pay for camping fees, buying uniforms and buying camping equipment.  Please discuss any purchases with the treasurer ahead of time. Reimbursement for purchases is at the sole discretion of the Committee.
  • A scout earns his way.  Discuss with your family how much camping you will do and the expected costs.  Camping is the most expensive part of the scout program. Most camping trips cost $25-$40. Winter Camp is about $150 and Summer Camp $300.
  • Scholarships may be available. If you need assistance to pay for camping fees, discuss this with the Scoutmaster.
  • Committee Members can earn bonus funds to pay for camping trips and scouting activities.  Discuss opportunities with the Committee Chair.

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Scouting is open to boys & girls ages 5-17. Want to join? Visit one of our meetings and we'll help you get started or register at BeAScout.org