Patrol Leader

Patrol Leader The patrol leader is the patrol’s key leader, representing the patrol at all patrol leaders’ council meetings and the annual program planning conference, and keeping patrol members informed of decisions made. Patrol leaders carry out planning, leading,...

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) The assistant senior patrol leader is the second highest youth leadership position in the troop, working closely with the senior patrol leader to help the troop move forward. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior...

Senior Patrol Leader

Senior Patrol Leader With three green bars behind the Scout emblem, the senior patrol leader’s shoulder patch symbolizes one of the oldest leadership positions in Scouting. The Boy Scouts of America has long recognized the senior patrol leader as the highest youth...


Scoutmaster The Scoutmaster is the adult leader responsible for the image and program of the troop. The Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters work directly with the Scouts. The importance of the Scoutmaster’s role is reflected in the fact that the quality of...

Chartered Organization Representative (COR)

Chartered Organization Representative (COR) Duties of the COR Be a member of the chartered organization Serve as head of “Scouting department” in the organization Secure a troop committee chair and encourage training Maintain a close liaison with the troop...